Title: Crazy Horse
Author: Russel Freedman
Genre: Biography
This book is about a native American named Kuchunka Witco who was a shy man and at some point became famous for being a Oglala Sioux warrior and a leader of his tribe. They started calling him crazy horse be his horse was literally crazy. He won so many battles including the Battle of Little Bighorn which Crazy Horse and his ally, Chief Sitting Bull led their combined army's to victory against the whites. Later on Crazy Horse was captured by and killed by the soldiers bayonet in
Fort Robinson on 9/5/1877.
Pg.121, "I see a time of seven generation, when all the colors of mankind will gather under the sacred tree of life and the whole earth will become one circle again." I chose this quote because when I read this I was thinking of all the different cultures will come together and make a treaty so there will be no more battles between them and find ways to make the world better.
I don't really know if this book would be a Person vs. Person or a Person vs Society because in the book it talks about the challenges Crazy Horse faced and tells how he is against society because he never felt that whites would be good to have peace with. He felt that they would do a lot of changes in the lokota tribe.
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